Our History
Radon isotopes are radioactive gases that are produced naturally in soil, rocks as well as ground and surface water. When soil and rocks are used for construction of homes, schools and offices, and raw ground and surface water used in confined spaces, the escaping radon isotopes or their decay products may build-up to such levels that they become a health risk to the people living or occupying the spaces. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) radon in homes is the major contributor of lung cancer among non-smokers. Over-all, it is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking.
It is in view of the limited knowledge and information on the radon situation in the Kenya coupled with the risk associated with the isotopes that the Kenyan Radon Association (KeRA) was formed. The goal of KeRA is to educate Kenyans on issues pertaining to radon gas such as the source, the health implications and the mitigating measures that may be put in place to arrest exposure to elevated levels of the gas. This is in addition to mapping radon levels in Kenya, data which epidemiologists, health professionals and decision making arms of the government can collectively use in formulation of policies for example regarding public health, housing and access to safe water for domestic use.
KeRA provides a platform in which professionals with interest in matters touching on radon, be it research, measurement, instrumentation, technology and communication, remediation to name but a few can meet to learn, teach and in general exchange views with the overall goal of reducing the health burden associated with radon exposure.
Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
- To promote and to participate in activities on radon measurement, risk analysis, and risk communication for purposes of radiation protection.
- To promote public awareness and research on naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) as well as man-made sources of radiation exposure.
- To provide a platform where radon and radiation professionals and other interested parties can meet for purposes of networking and exchange of ideas.
- To serve as a consultative body with regards to laws and regulations concerning radon and other sources of radiation.
To map radon levels and also determine the effective dose due to the various radiation sources in Kenya.